The Modern Pioneer Cookbook Curriculum Lesson Experience Article Series is not just another educational resource. It’s a unique series of articles that guide you through the lesson plans in The Modern Pioneer Cookbook Curriculum. (The curriculum teaches traditional food recipes and kitchen techniques to students in grades K-12 and works in conjunction with Mary Bryant Shrader’s bestselling book, The Modern Pioneer Cookbook.)
- Get The Modern Pioneer Cookbook Curriculum (free and over 250 pages!)
- Get The Modern Pioneer Cookbook
Jamie O’Hara worked with Mary to create the cookbook curriculum, and in the following articles, Jamie documents her family’s experiences working on lesson plans from the cookbook curriculum. Her insightful articles draw from her extensive experience as a homeschooling mom, curriculum writer, and former classroom teacher.
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Table of Contents
Lesson Experience Article Series
- Chapter 1: The Modern Pioneer (Includes one activity download)
- Chapter 2: Bone Broth (Includes four activity downloads)
- Chapter 3: The Skinny on Fats (Includes four activity downloads)
- Chapter 4: The Homemade Dairy (Includes two activity downloads)
- Chapter 5: Fermenting (Includes seven activity downloads)
- Chapter 6: The Home Baker (Includes eight activity downloads)
- Chapter 7: Soaking and Sprouting (Includes three activity downloads)
- Chapter 8: Condiments and Flavor Boosters (Includes three activity downloads)
- More lesson experiences coming soon…
Many of the lesson experiences include additional activity downloads to enhance your student’s learning and interaction with the curriculum.
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Additional Inspiration and Downloads
With each lesson experience, you’ll find plenty of pictures as Jamie works through the cookbook curriculum with her children in the first and third grades. You’ll also find additional downloads you can print out and use as part of the lesson plan.
While you can always customize each lesson plan for your student’s needs, we hope that these lesson experiences will give you additional inspiration and new techniques to help you work with your children, grandchildren, or other students to teach them how to make traditional foods and gain lifelong kitchen skills.