Learn all about my kitchen garden harvest and hear about some fun news from my nest!

Watch the Kitchen Garden Harvest and Some News from Mary’s Nest video

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Spring Garden Harvest

Well, my kitchen garden is in full bloom, and it has been a joy to enjoy my bountiful garden harvest. My potager garden has given me all sorts of wonderful vegetables to create nutritious and delicious meals for my husband and me. Our son is home with us now too, and he immediately gobbled up the French Breakfast radishes, which are his favorite!

Do you see the handful of green beans peeking out in the upper corner of my basket? They are just the beginning of what is going to be a beautiful garden harvest of string beans. I have to thank my friend Rob over at Essayons Family Garden, who was so kind to send me those bean seeds along with a whole host of other seeds!

In case you missed the videos where I take you on a tour of my garden, both at the beginning of my planting season and later after my plants really started to grow, be sure to check out the following videos.

Pattypan Squash

I love to grow Patty Pan Squash in my kitchen garden. It’s a joy to have as part of my garden harvest, and as you can see in my video thumbnail, the little squash is so cute. This vegetable brings back sweet memories of raising my son. He loved working in the garden with me, and Patty Pan Squash was one of his favorite things to grow because they look like little yellow space ships.

Patty Pan Squash is so easy to cook. You can dice them up and sauté them with a bit of olive oil, tomatoes, onions, and a few herbs. You’ll have a delicious summer side dish that is perfect for any meal!

Vintage and Modern Cookbooks

In addition to my garden harvest news, I have lots more to share with you about what is going on over here at Mary’s Nest. And it all starts with…the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach! I don’t know who said that phrase, but I definitely like that saying since I am a bit of an old-fashioned gal. And I suspect my husband might agree too! 😉

Vintage Cookbook

The sweet book that I share in the picture above is called the Settlement Cookbook, and it was used as a textbook to teach girls how to cook. New immigrants settling in the United States also used this cookbook to familiarize themselves with the ingredients they discovered in their new home country. This edition of the book was published in 1930, and it is absolutely charming. But the best thing about this cookbook is that it was a gift from my sweet friend Michele over at Chocolate Box Cottage.

Modern Cookbook

I received such a surprise in the mail this past Mother’s Day! My husband’s cousins up in Canada sent me The Vatican Cookbook. Even though this is a new cookbook, the recipes inside span centuries. Some of the recipes in the book go back to 500 years ago! Oh, how I enjoy that learning about those types of recipes. The older, the better! 😊

I am looking forward to delving into this book in greater detail and sharing some of those ancient recipes with you. Talk about traditional cooking!

Order YOUR COPY Now!

The Modern Pioneer Cookbook

Seasonal ingredients, traditional techniques, and nourishing recipes. Over 85 traditional, from-scratch recipes! Discover for yourself how you can use simple ingredients and traditional techniques to cook the modern pioneer way.

Aprons Galore for the Garden Harvest

When you work in your kitchen or harvest your garden, wearing an apron comes in handy. I can often become dirty working in my kitchen garden, but an apron can help spare my clothes the brunt of the dirt.

So many of you have shared with me how you love aprons, and I often get many questions as to where I get the aprons that I wear in my videos. I’ve purchased most of them from local kitchen stores or from online sites, but my newest apron was a gift from my sweet friend over This and That with Denise.

And Denise has some exciting news to share! She just opened a new apron shop where you can find the apron that I am wearing in my latest Mary’s Nest News video.

Want to Look Like a Pioneer Lady?

If you are looking for those charming pioneer lady aprons that I wear on occasion, you can purchase those from Heidi over at Rain Country Homestead, who has an Etsy shop by the same name. Her aprons are one-of-a-kind and custom-made, especially for you!

The Easiest Ever Apron to Wear

One other great resource for aprons is from Katie over at Heritage Ways. Katie’s aprons are really special because they do not require ties, and you can just pop them over your head.

She custom makes all her aprons. They are so pretty they look like sweet little frocks that you could wear anywhere, and no one would know you were wearing an apron!

For More Apron Info

To learn more about these ladies’ wonderful aprons, check out the links below:

More Apron Videos

Want to hear more about my apron collection? Be sure to check out the videos below!

Acid Reflux? Here’s a Remedy

Do you suffer from acid reflux, indigestion, or other digestive-related annoyances? If so, in today’s video, I also share with you all about my friend Jackie over at Little Country Cabin. Jackie talks about a wonderful tea recipe to help you quell those digestive upsets in no time.

Want to Learn How to Make Ghee?

I have received so many comments and emails requesting me to make a video about making ghee, and I’m looking forward to creating that recipe video. You can also check out Jackie’s video on how to make butter and then turn that butter into ghee.

For those of you who may be new to homesteading, Jackie even shows you how to milk a cow, skim off the cream…and then turn that cream into butter. It’s truly a one-stop-shop video! 😊

Kitchen Academy Videos

Are you looking for more traditional foods videos? I invite you to join the Traditional Foods Kitchen Academy. Members of this optional paid YouTube community get access to exclusive videos, live streams, and other members-only perks. Plus, your YouTube comments include a special members-only badge.

In the following members-only video, I talk about Talking Back to Cookbooks and More.

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  2. Subscribe to Maryโ€™s Traditional Foods Newsletter (Free) - Get a free 36-page eBook for signing up: How to Stock Your Essential Traditional Foods Four-Corners Pantry.
  3. Join the Traditional Foods Kitchen Academy - For more detailed videos and exclusive members-only perks, join my YouTube membership community.
  4. Order The Modern Pioneer Cookbook - Get a printed book of Mary's nourishing recipes from a Traditional Foods Kitchen. This bestselling cookbook is published by Penguin Random House with their DK imprint.

I look forward to having you join me in my Texas Hill Country Kitchen!

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    Get up to 15% off for stocking your Traditional Foods Pantry and equipping your Modern Pioneer Kitchen, including discounts from US Wellness Meats, Farmhouse Teas, Lehman's, Masontops, Cultures for Health, Survival Garden Seeds, Redmond Real Salt, Plan to Eat, and More!

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