This Friday, October 4th, was the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi. If you are not familiar with Francis, as some simply refer to him, he is one of the most beloved saints in the Catholic tradition. He’s known for his deep humility, profound love for all of God’s creation, and unwavering commitment to living a life of simplicity.

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Who is Saint Francis?

Saint Francis was born in the late 12th century in Assisi, Italy. He renounced his family’s wealth to embrace a life of poverty, dedicating himself to prayer, service, and the care of those in need. His love for God extended beyond human relationships, embracing the natural world with an extraordinary tenderness. I have a special place in my heart for Saint Francis because of his tenderness. He saw every living thing—humans, animals, plants, and even the elements of nature—as brothers and sisters under the care of a loving Creator.

Saint Francis and the Nativity

Saint Francis of Assisi is credited with creating the concept of the crèche, or Nativity scene, to help people connect more deeply with the story of Christ’s birth. In 1223, in the town of Greccio, Italy, Saint Francis set up the first live Nativity, complete with animals, a manger, and townspeople portraying Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds.

St. Francis’s goal was to bring the humble birth of Jesus to life in a way that would inspire devotion and a greater understanding of the significance of the “Incarnation”—that God took human form as Jesus Christ. By recreating the scene in a simple, tangible way, Saint Francis invited people to reflect on the humility of Christ’s entrance into the world and to celebrate the beauty of God’s love for humanity.

This tradition of the crèche has endured throughout the centuries, becoming a beloved part of Christmas celebrations in homes and churches worldwide and reminding us of the simple yet profound wonder of that holy night in Bethlehem. I look forward to sharing more about this with you as we enter the Advent and Christmas seasons.

Saint Francis and the Animals

As to God’s creations, one of the most famous stories about St. Francis is his preaching to the birds. This is why you often see statues of Saint Francis with a bird perched on his hand or shoulder. As the story goes, while walking through the countryside Francis noticed a large gathering of birds. Moved by their beauty, he spoke to them, reminding them to praise God for the gifts of wings to fly and the freedom of the sky. The birds, as if they understood, reportedly remained still, listening intently to his words.

The Wolf of Gubbio

Another well-known story about St. Francis of Assisi, which I especially love, is about his encounter with the fierce wolf of Gubbio. According to tradition, a large wolf was terrorizing the town of Gubbio and had been attacking livestock and even people! Out of fear, the villagers armed themselves and kept their distance, but St. Francis, moved by compassion, decided to intervene. He went into the forest to meet the wolf, trusting in God’s protection.

When the wolf appeared, rather than attack, it approached Saint Francis calmly, who spoke gently to it, calling it “Brother Wolf.” He asked the wolf to cease its attacks and made a pact between the animal and the people of Gubbio…the wolf would no longer harm the town, and in return, the villagers would feed it regularly. As with the St. Francis statues that include birds, many will also include a wolf sitting by St. Francis’ side.

The story of “Brother Wolf” illustrates Saint Francis’s ability to bring peace among people and between humans and animals. His deep respect for all creatures, even the most fearsome, shows the power of love and understanding to transform even the most difficult of situations. When faced with my own difficult situations in life, I often call on St. Francis to intercede on my behalf and guide my words and actions toward others. (When asking a Saint to intercede on our behalf, we are asking them to pray for us, just as I would ask you to pray for me. Since Saints are in Heaven, we believe their prayers for us are very powerful.)

Patron Saint of Animals

Saint Francis’ connection with animals led to his recognition as the patron saint of animals (and because of his connection with all of creation, he was eventually also designated the patron saint of ecology, as designated by Pope John Paul II—now a saint himself!) In honor of St. Francis, many churches today hold special services where animals are blessed, celebrating the Saint’s enduring legacy of love and care for all creatures, great and small.

Saint Francis’ life reminds us of the importance of seeing the divine in all of God’s creation, urging us to protect and respect the world around us and all of us who occupy it. His simple yet powerful message continues to inspire millions to live in harmony with each other, care for nature and animals, and show kindness to all living things as part of our shared responsibility in the world. No matter where we fall on the spectrum of religion, Francis, the man, can inspire us all!

Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

Every year on October 4th, Catholic priests around the world celebrate the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi by offering special blessings for pets and animals. As a woman who has had dogs all her life, attending this special blessing with my sweet pups has always been near and dear to my heart! These ceremonies are generally held outdoors, and parishioners and any pet owners in the local community are invited to bring their pets to the church for a blessing! I’ve seen cats, dogs, birds, and even farm animals at previous blessings!

During the blessing, the priest prays for the animals’ health and well-being, asking for God’s protection over them, and gives thanks for the joy and companionship they provide. This beautiful tradition highlights the special bond between humans and animals and serves as a reminder of our responsibility to care for all living things, just as Saint Francis taught through his life and example.

So, Friday evening, with our sweet pup Indy in tow, our family and friends headed over to our local Catholic parish, where our loving and gentle-hearted priest blessed all the wonderful creatures in attendance with prayers and a good splash of Holy Water. As you can imagine, with so many animals of all sorts in attendance, this event can be a bit of a wild time, but Father assures us that he always brings extra-strength Holy Water! 😉

Here are more videos about our family dogs and a dog food recipe too!

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